Call/WhatsApp for FREE Consultation:08171340451
The idea that high sugar levels in the blood cannot be reversed, is simply a myth and it is false.
there is a new natural remedy for diabetes which has helped so many diabetic men and women today

there have been more than over 6,500 testimonies in Nigeria alone. this solution for diabetes works for pre-diabetes and even type 1 and 2 diabetes… This solution helps to normalize blood sugar/glucose Permanently and also repair The Pancreas To Function Normally

I am not just here to advertise a product to you just because i want to get your attention but i want to inform you that the total freedom from the sickness that you desire is obtainable. I found this permanent cure for diabetes online, and since then, the story has not been the same.

my mom is a retired civil servant and she suffered from Diabetes for so many years until i found this cure for her high blood sugar.
she got tired of picking her fingers everyday with painful needles. she was very anxious and stressed about tracking her blood sugar and all the horror stories she heard about people loosing their legs, eyes, hands and other body parts because of high blood sugar

she gave me the permission to share this story which is a bit embarrassing. the whole essence is to inform people of the permanent remedy for high blood sugar/diabetes in a whole, instead of spending so much money on servicing the condition

yes, you are servicing the condition with your hard earned money and yet no drug has been able to cure you permanently. this is because the doctors and pharmacies only give you drugs that help you manage the condition and they haven’t given you a permanent cure.

my mom always had to worry about which foods would send her blood sugar off the charts. she was stuck eating bland and boring meals.

i spent so much money on her drugs and medications. I tried the other diabetes medications that her doctor recommended. none of them worked. she would only feel nauseous all the time. Her blood glucose level was at 1,174.

“Because her diabetes is so advanced, they will need to amputate her legs… I’ve scheduled the surgery for that day.”

but i said NO. “Absolutely not.” 

“I’m sorry,” the doctor insisted, “We can give her another few years to live, but we have to operate immediately.”

i started crying and i got lost in thoughts. I didn’t believe it. The doctor had to be wrong to say that.

i didn’t want my mom to be crippled for the rest of her life. It was like they had ripped away her golden years of retirement, robbed her of her chance to meet her grandchildren, and destroyed the life she worked so hard to build.

“there is no way you’re cutting off her legs today.” i said

“The longest we can wait to amputate is 90 days,” said the doctor. “If we wait any longer, it will be too dangerous.”

we all went home, my mom had to be relocated to stay with one of my older siblings. i was so pained and i was drowning in thoughts. i love my mom so much that i wouldn’t wanna see her in a abnormal state or condition

I was ready to give up But then, a notification post saved me while i was going through some search on my phone

If you haven’t heard of Newcastle University, it’s in England, and it’s one of the most respected universities in the world, right up there with Harvard or Oxford. Other universities look to Newcastle as a pioneer in health research. Its professors and alumni have received numerous awards and medals for their achievements in science and medicine. More importantly, they’ve saved millions of lives by curing and preventing diseases

Here’s what Dr. Taylor discovered: fat deposits around the pancreas are the primary cause of the disease.

See, the pancreas produce lente iletin, the hormone that helps your body absorb blood sugar. That means the pancreas is the organ is responsible for keeping your blood glucose levels to normal. It’s a precise job – not enough lente iletin, and your blood sugar will skyrocket. Read More


my mom was finally free and i could see the joy in her.

There are over 7 MILLION Nigerians today with pre-diabetes. This is a major precursor and untreated will become type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms include…

  1. Always Thirsty
  2. Blurry Vision
  3. Wounds that won’t heal
  4. Always hungry
  5. Always Tired
  6. Sexual problems
  7. Frequent urination
  8. Numbness/Tingling of hands and feet

Sounds Familiar?

4 out of 5 people with diabetes will either:

Be slowly and irreversibly poisoned as their kidneys fail, Go permanently blind, Need legs amputated due to nerve damage,
or suffer from heart disease, the #1 killer of women in the Nigeria

Diabetes Kills more people EVERY YEAR than AIDS and Breast Cancer combined, It shortens your life expectancy by 13.5 years, on the average.

And Yet Your Doctor Tells You There is ‘’No cure’’…

I decided to form a group of people who know the truth about the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and the secret to jumpstarting your pancreas so you can throw away your medication.

i start with friends, family, and neighbors – anyone i knew who suffered from Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. i shared the story, and invited them to try out the exact solution we had used.

 couldn’t believe the results…

Everyone who completed the 3 months’ treatment reversed their Type 2 Diabetes.

They couldn’t thank us enough. People all over the world are using this solution

And it’s working perfectly well. This solution has been saving lives, and giving people hope and optimism about the future.

If you’ve gone through this page to this length, then I think you’re ready to be part of this exclusive group of people. I want you to have your very own bottle(s) of this powerful solution.

I want you to be one of the few who knows how to Destroy Your Type 2 Diabetes…

 Norland healthway Capsule is very effective in managing diabetes.
It works by smooth sugar lowering, activation of islets, regulates/stabilizes blood sugar (high and low) and prevents complications


Norland Healthway Capsule Uses

The Norland Healhway Capsules are an alternative to taking time-consuming drugs.

Some of the uses include:

  1. It is used to normalize Blood Sugar Levels.
  2. It is used to reverse Diabetes.
  3. Help to stabilize the secretion of Insu1in by the Pancreas.

Norland Healthway Capsules Benefits

  1. Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol level.
  2. Assist in regulating blood glucose levels.
  3. Suitable for: People with high blood glucose
  4. It benefits people with impaired glucose tolerance.
  5. Normalizing harmful free radicals.
  6. It helps improve insu1in sensitivity and enhance protein metabolism.
  7. A proven treatment for type II diabetes.
  8. Stabilizes blood sugar and activates pancreas islet.
  9. It provides more vitamins and minerals to the blood.
  10. Helps to alleviate nervous/mental disturbance as experienced by diabetic patients.
  11. It helps treat insomnia in diabetic patients.
  12. It eliminates fatigue; irritability; dizziness; lightheadedness; depression and weakness as it’s common in diabetic patients.

Functions of Norland Healthway Capsule

  1. Norland Healthway Capsule regulates/stabilizes blood sugar levels (high and low).
  2. It restores the function of the Pancreas to secret Insu1in.
  3. It reverses Type 2 Diabetes in about 60-80 days.
  4. Normalizes the patient’s sugar level.
  5. Alleviate diabetic symptoms such as exhaustion, and painful tingling neuropathy

Norland Healthway Capsules helps to Restores the function of the pancreas to secrete lente iletin. Reduces blood sugar level. Very potent and very effective supplement.
You can see the ingredient and other useful information on the bottle of the product once you get yours

It contains 60 capsules.

we have combined all this life-saving research into this one simple page you’re reading today.

The night we finished, we were sitting at the kitchen table. We’d just shared a hearty meal.
I told my mom, “This is it. The answer for everyone with any Type Diabetes.

It’s their key to freedom.”

We could both feel how big this was.

We knew there’d be people who would want to shut us down, but we were determined to share the truth.

With this propolis-Lecithin capsules, you can say goodbye to a life full of frustration and fear, and start enjoying freedom from diabetes.

Now you might be wondering…

Well, in Dr. Taylor tested people at 90 days, and then at 60 days.

By 60 days, about 50% of the participants had normal blood glucose levels.

By 90 days, 100% of the participants had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes.

The fastest it’s happened was 14 days.

So if you start using the Propolis-Lecithin capsules today, you could be diabetes free in less than 60 days.

If that sounds as amazing to you as it has to thousands of other people, then don’t hesitate any longer…
Now, to be clear, I don’t recommend anyone stop taking their medication. Instead, it’s best to naturally jumpstart your pancreas, naturally lowering your blood sugar, until your doctor is glad to cancel your prescriptions. I’m not against all medications. For some diseases, medications are the only known path to healing. But Type 2 Diabetes is not one of those diseases. Your medication only helps with the symptoms. And once you jumpstart your pancreas to fix the real cause of your disease, you won’t have symptoms anymore, and you can work with your doctor to say “goodbye” to annoying, expensive diabetes medicines forever.
I could tell you it’s worth 100,000 Naira. And it probably is, since it’ll save you 100,000 Naira on medical costs every year.
(Big pharma may be comfortable charging you 100,000 Naira to put a Band-Aid on your diabetes, but I’m not that kind of person).

Take a second and imagine what it’ll be like to finally be able to throw away your diabetes medication and feel in control of your life again. It’s time to be free of Type 2 Diabetes.

Here is The Cost of the Norland Healthway Capsules

2 Months Treatment


N48,000 (N8000 Naira Discount)

2 bottles of Norland Healthway Capsules

3 Months Treatment


N68,000 (N16,000 Naira Discount) Most Recommended

3 Bottles of Norland Healthway  Capsules 

The Most Recommended Treatment Is the 2 months dosage OR The 3 months dosage. If you can, Buy The 3 months dosage at once. I encourage you to order the 3 months dosage because you’ll get the desired result with that and you won’t have to keep spending money on this again.

3 months’ treatment is the very BEST!

Let me show you what people I’ve already helped have said about this Norland Healthway  capsules.

   Testimony 1. Esther from Sun Centre in Abuja, who said…

“I felt overwhelmed by my diabetes. I was always tired at work, and I couldn’t keep up with my kids anymore! Just the thought of vacation, or even a day on the town, made me feel exhausted. Diabetes made me feel like a prisoner in my own life.

I’m so glad I found this scientifically proven supplement to reverse my Type 2 diabetes. It’s not untested, junk science. It’s a proven, practical medication to jumpstart your pancreas and get your body to regulate your blood sugar again.

I’m living proof that it works… I haven’t needed diabetes medication for over 6 months! Everybody with Type 2 diabetes needs to get this powerful remedy now, so they can reverse their diabetes in just a few weeks.”

 Another great testimony from Kelly in Sacramento, California said: 

“I’ve had Type-2 Diabetes for years. I was constantly worried about my blood sugar levels. I never had any energy, and I always had to be careful what I ate. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get my diabetes under control. I felt trapped, and I felt like a burden on my family. But then I used the “Norland Healthway  Capsules” to jumpstart my pancreas so as to reverse my diabetes, and now my family can barely keep up with me. I’m eating my favorite foods, and doing the things I love. Your supplement gave me a life back. Thank you for saving my life!”

Dr. Peter from VGC, Lagos State who said…

“Norland Healthway Capsules” is simply the very best solution to my diabetes, and you had the science to back it up. I thought I’d be stuck with Type 2 diabetes forever. But now I’ve been diabetes-free almost 8 months.

My doctor was shocked when I told him that I hadn’t needed an insulin shot for weeks. He had to test my blood sugar himself to believe it. Your Product “Norland Healthway Capsules” even helped to jumpstart my pancreas and reverse my diabetes in just 90 days of using it.

And greater testimony from Charlotte in Kaduna.

She said: “Norland Healthway Capsules” saved my life! My disease was getting worse and worse. And it seemed like my diabetes medication wasn’t doing anything. My neuropathy was the worst part. I always had a painful tingling in my hands – it made everyday life so difficult! I knew I had to make a change. That’s when I found the “Norland Healthway Capsules”. I followed the dosage to jumpstart my pancreas, and all of a sudden my neuropathy disappeared, and I had the energy I needed again. I went back to my doctor a few weeks later, and he was shocked at how healthy I was. I haven’t needed my diabetes medication for months!”

Delivery is FREE & it’s Payment on Delivery.

Before I forget, and before you proceed to order for the 3 months dosage which i know it will be better for you. I have something big i want to let you know .

This is the most POWERFUL supplement on earth right now.

Before I sign off, I really want you to think for a moment about your future and your family.

What will happen if you don’t make any changes? What will happen if you let your diabetes destroy your life? Every day, for the rest of your life, you’ll have to go through the annoyance and pain of blood tests and lente iletin injections. You’ll try medicine after medicine, with no results except dangerous side effects, like nausea, weight gain, and heart disease. Not to mention all the vacations, new cars, and other luxuries you won’t be able to afford because you’re spending all your money on your diabetes medication.

Is it scientifically proven?

Absolutely. The “Norland Healthway Capsules” is based on research at Newcastle University in England, Harvard University here in the US, and dozens of other studies. There have been studies all over the world showing that these principles can reverse your type 2 diabetes.

So you need to hurry, act fast, place order and get this solutions right now…

No Need To Fear If This is real or Not because…You only pay when the product has been brought to you face to face by our courier company within 2-4 days after placing your order. And secondly, we do not charge you any extra fee for delivery (shipment), we bring it down to your doorsteps anywhere you live in Nigeria at no extra cost – WE CALL These, FREE DELIVERY AND YOU PAY ON DELIVERY.

Remember the “Norland Healthway Capsules” goes for…

1 Month Treatment: (1 Bottle) = 28,000 Naira
2 Months Treatment: (2 Bottles) = 48,000 Naira
3 Months Treatment: (3 Bottles) = 68,000 Naira.

Buy The 3 months dosage For Complete Treatment and Better Result – also cheaper than others.

The Most Recommended Treatment Is The Complete Bottles which is 3 Bottles, while 2 Months treatment is for those that want to order for 2 now and get the remaining 1 month before they finish the one with them. 1 month trial is for trial, you might see little improvement with the 1 month dosage.

kindly go for 2 or if possible 3 at once, its cheaper and most effective.

Provision has been made for Free Shipping + Pay on Delivery, Sounds awesome right?

Is There A Guarantee? Unequivocally, UNCONDITIONALLY, absolutely… YES!

I want you as an action taker that you are to CHANGE your story today and be part of the testimonies of this Wonder Scientific Discovery.

So, Here’s Why You Should Give It A Try

If you’re not 100% satisfied after 90 days, give my P.A a call or send an SMS and let me know. I’ll send you a refund of every single penny you have spent on this. There’s no obligation for you to continue if it isn’t right for you plus you can keep the bottles as my thanks for trying it.

No If’s, No Buts, And no questions asked! I’m a man of my word…

I wouldn’t take such risk if I hadn’t used this product myself and it did wonders for me.

So, I repeat; “Order for 3 months treatment, use it for 90 days, and if it doesn’t deliver as promised, Call my P.A on phone or send a text message and ask for your money back” You will get back every kobo you paid. And I will also call you and apologize for wasting your time.

This offer is not staying here forever. Every minute you spend delaying is very dangerous.

Are you 100% sure that you are ready to buy this product NOW?



-You are not ready to receive this product in 1-5days.

-You do not have the money to pay for it when it arrives

-You want to travel somewhere within 1-5days

For the Serious ones, it’s up to you to make a CHANGE that will Better your life!.

If you are a serious person (which I know you are), then you should have placed your order already as Orders are coming in so Fast. People want to see clearly without any aid.

Please Note; in case you call and the number is busy, kindly send me a text/whatsapp message and i will reply you. Due to high demands, the phone number is always busy.
PLEASE!!!!! This is a strong plea, If you are not ready to receive or take delivery of the products.
But If You are ready and would be available to receive the products, Kindly go ahead and make use of ONE of the two Options provided. Thank You


Send an SMS/Text Message with the below details to 08171340451

– Your Full Name,
– Your Full address + LGA/State,
– Your Phone Number (Provide 2 Numbers If available),
– Specify the number of bottle(s) you are ordering + Product Name.
Mr Anthony,
10 Isaac John Street, Ikeja, Lagos.
08171340451, 07016741260
3 bottles of Norland Healthway Capsules for 3 months.



Thank You